Month: September 2015

The 4 Minute Rule…

An interesting “4-minute-rule” idea.


I mentioned the other day on here that I had the chance to see a motivational speaker at one of his talks recently. His main emphasis was on positivity and keeping that positive frame of mind, showing how beneficial and crucial that is to our over all happiness. He really focused and reinforced that WE are in control of our mood. One thing I took away from it that I found very helpful, that my Mum reminded me of the other day when I wasn’t really feeling up to the day was ‘The 4 Minute Rule.’

The 4 Minute Rule is for days or situations or experiences where you’re really not feeling up to it, where you would rather be anywhere but there, where you look at your plan for the day and would really rather just not get up. The thing is, we can spend that whole time being…

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