Get Self Help: Relationships – The Five Love Languages

Firstly, I want to point out to everyone that no one has ever been through a perfect relationship. It is a fact that every single relationship always has its own ups and downs. Now, I understand that most of you are on this page looking for help on building back your relationship with your significant other. So, today I want to share with you an amazing dating tip for the girls (or guys) out there. This will be very much different from other online relationship resources.

Eva & Steven_0775First of all, I need to mention that there are five love languages that everyone uses to express their love to one another. And, in my personal opinion, women and men do express quite differently. How do I come up with the five languages for relationships? Easy. It was from a friend who I look up to. We spent a very long night in Hawaii talking about relationships that will please God. And that night was probably the most productive night I’ve ever had on a vacation.

She mentioned these five languages based on the book, The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate by Gary Chapman from a marriage counselling session she attended:

1. Words of Affirmation — “This language uses words to affirm other people.”

Saying “thank you” or “I love you” is what makes you feel loved. In one way, you feel that you are being appreciated for the things you’ve done, or just you being you! Complimenting such as “you’re so beautiful!” or “you’re great!” also helps develop a supportive relationship too. In other words, you know that you are being treated nicely from your guy when he speaks these words out. And as for your partner, you can let him (or her) feel loved as well by letting him know how much you appreciate him! If that gives him a smile, you know what to do next time.

2. Acts of Service “For these people, actions speak louder than words.”

On the night when I first heard about the five languages, I remember clearly that this language is what many guys use to communicate their love. This can be ranged from small actions such as helping you out throw the garbage or picking you up from your house, to larger actions such as shopping for five hours straight with you (trust me, it’s very painful for them). Now, I know that a lot of girls acknowledge this side of their men, but for many, many times they always forget the smaller details. And here’s the key, many women may weigh out their actions differently from men. So please, understand how different you weigh yours out, and how he weighs his out.

Books, DVDs, Card Decks and MORE by Esther and Jerry Hicks

3. Receiving Gifts — “For some people, what makes them feel most loved is to receive a gift.”Eva & Steven_0473

Yes, this may sound materialistic. But, hey, money doesn’t need to be the issue here. I’m talking about receiving gifts such as a book,  a pair of socks, or even a hand picked flower! This is when you feel loved when your partner gives you something that is tangible. Unlike giving you time (will be described below), you feel more loved once they give you something physical that you can touch and keep in your room. Personally, this language is partially one of my love languages. I always buy my partner clothes, and there’s always a little something warm that goes on in my heart every time he wears these shirts.

4. Quality Time — “This language is all about giving the other person your undivided attention.”

Spending quality time with your love is one of the happiest moments that happen in your life. Believe it or not, this love language definitely is not my partner’s language! But as I mentioned that everyone has their own love languages, this might be the key for you! The quote explains it all; it is all about the quality time spent with one another by yourselves. But please note this down: quality time does not mean the quantity! In fact, I encourage you not to spend too much time with your partner, as this is quite unhealthy for your relationship.

5. Physical Touch — “To this person, nothing speaks more deeply than appropriate touch.”

First of all, this does not necessarily mean sex. It can be as simple as a hug whenever you greet him, or holding hands when you take a stroll along the park. And through some personal talks with a bunch of my girlfriends, we all understand that sometimes physical touch gives a form of acknowledgement that I am important”. Do some research on whether your partner falls into this category. Just be careful of how much you show PDA (public display of affection) to others; too much of it may cause unnecessary discomfort for your friends.

If any of these five languages can be applied to you, I’m sure you can find a way to apply this to him (or her) as well. As like every other relationship, it takes time to grow and mentor. So give it time. Understand what makes him feel loved, so he knows how you have loved him. And maybe when you guys grow in your relationship, you can share this page with him too. Enjoy and God bless! =)

Click here to purchase the original version of the book through Amazon US.

Please feel free to leave any of your comments or questions below. I will be happy to answer. =)

The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Hay House, Inc.



  1. This is amazing! I read about the 5 languages of love before so this is a great time for a refresher! Great job keeping it simple! 😀

    1. Wow! Great news =). It was definitely very interesting when I first heard about it. I never knew you can categorize the communication of love. Wish you all the best!

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